Attorney Referrals
At Trucking Injury Law Group, we’re dedicated to helping injured clients and their families receive the compensation they need to recover when a trucking agency or truck driver acts negligently and a collision results. We’re also committed to helping other attorneys resolve complex cases aimed at helping truck accident survivors and their families.
Our team of attorneys has experience handling cases in numerous U.S. states, including all states on the West Coast. We have an excellent track record of success in both state and federal courts and currently accept referral cases for personal injury claims involving truck or other commercial vehicle crashes. We have an attorney who is certified by the National Board of Trial Advocacy in trucking law.
If you are a lawyer currently representing a client and need to work with an attorney who is licensed to practice in a state on the West Coast, don’t hesitate to get in touch with us. If you a require an attorney who is board certified and has additional resources that may be able to assist you regarding a complex truck case, we may be able to lend a hand or suggest helpful resources.
We handle every referral case on an individual basis. Our referral agreements are negotiable and depend entirely on the nature of the legal work required. To talk to our experienced legal staff about a potential truck accident attorney referral, please reach out to us.